Star Trek: The Next Generation - Season 1
Standard 1.33:1 Color / Production Year: 1987 / |
Studio: Paramount Pictures | Production Year: 1987 | Release Date: 7/24/2012
Length: 1184 mins | Number of Discs: 6
DTS-HD Master Audio 7.1 English, Dolby Digital 2.0 English, German and Spanish
English, French, Spanish, Japanese, German, Italian, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish

Star Trek: The Next Generation, Season 1 Blu-ray, Special Features and Extras
There's new material specific to the Blu-ray as well as recycled archival content from previous DVD releases. Additionally, thirty-two second episode previews are optionally available ahead of every episode. These comprise the only "extras" on discs two, three, four, and five. Below is a breakdown of what's included on discs one and six, excluding the episode promos:Disc One:
- Energized! Taking the Next Generation to the Next Level (1080p, 23:46): "Star Trek" authorities Michael and Denise Okuda, Producer Rick Berman, Eugene Roddenberry, VFX Coordinator Sarah Paul, and others discuss the process of bringing the show to high definition. Audiences are shown the Pennsylvania storehouse where the original film elements are located, taken behind the scenes into the nitty-gritty details of reviving the original film elements, and shown the process of recreating visual effects. The piece examines the need to retain the series' original 4x3 framing, remaining faithful to the original look and feel of the show's effects down to the smallest detail but adding little touches that were lost in standard definition, and creating a 7.1 lossless soundtrack by extending the track but respecting the original elements.
- Introduction to the Series (1987) (480p, 2:45, archival): A short piece that introduces viewers to the new Enterprise and her crew.
- Promo #1 (480p, 1:36, archival): Much the same as the above-referenced introduction; ditto promos two and three.
- Promo #2 (480p, 0:36, archival).
- Promo #3 (480p, 0:37, archival).
- Season One Promo (480p, 4:07, archival): A lengthier piece that expands on the first season and the characters, built with clips from various season one episodes.
Disc Six :
- Stardate Revisited: The Origin of "Star Trek: The Next Generation" Part 1: Inception (1080p, 28:09): This supplement combines new high definition footage with classic standard definition video segments originating from the series' inception. This piece covers a wide variety of topics, beginning with the process of convincing Gene Roddenberry to revitalize "Star Trek." Once the show was green-lit, challenges arose. Inception examines the raw process of developing the series and ideas for it, including Enterprise and prop design, character development, placing a Klingon on the bridge of a Federation starship, and casting Patrick Stewart over Stephen Macht for the role of Captain Jean-Luc Picard. Additionally, this supplement examines stretching the pilot episode to two hours, Roddenberry's reluctance to do so, and his creation of the "Q" character to fill out the time requirements. Interviewees include Rick Berman David Gerrold, D.C. Fontana, Andrew Probert, John Dwyer, Michael and Denise Okuda, and Herman Zimmerman.
- Stardate Revisited: The Origin of "Star Trek: The Next Generation" Part 2: Launch (1080p, 32:13): Actors Patrick Stewart, Jonathan Frakes, LeVar Burton, Brent Spiner, Gates McFadden, Wil Wheaton, Michael Dorn, Denise Crosby, and Marina Sirtis assemble to recall their auditions for the show's lead roles. These interviews build a narrative that shapes the show's construction and covers specific details of series design, including Worf's expanded role, the pronunciation of "Data" and the evolution of the Data makeup, the role reversals for Sirtis and Crosby, Sirtis' costumes and makeup, and Geordi's visor. Also touched upon is the cameo appearance by DeForest Kelley in the pilot episode.
- Stardate Revisited: The Origin of "Star Trek: The Next Generation" Part 3: The Continuing Mission (1080p, 32:42): This third segment opens with a look at the painstaking efforts to create the most seamless set design and model work possible. It examines cast chemistry and positive fan reaction to the series. However, it also looks at the conflict in the writers' room, Roddenberry's contributions to the scripts, and Denise Crosby's exit from the show. To be continued on the season two Blu-ray release.
- Gag Reel (480p, 8:10).
- The Beginning (480p, 18:01, archival): A retro overview piece that hits many of the same notes as the above and examines the process of getting the new series off the ground, the series' themes that remain then and now, production design, model work and visual effects, developing the pilot episode, casting, and Roddenberry's vision for the future.
- Selected Crew Analysis (480p, 15:18, archival): The process of finding the characters on both sides of the camera, casting the primary roles, character arcs and traits, character physical alterations, and cast camaraderie.
- The Making of a Legend (480p, 15:27, archival): This supplement examines set and ship design, special effects construction, Michael Okuda's contributions to set design, prop construction (including Geordi's visor), makeup application, and the series' music.
- Memorable Missions (480p, 17:04, archival): Cast and crew discuss some of the season's episodes and their memories of working on them.
Following on from the US disc replacement scheme, to correct audio problems on the TNG season one bluray set, a UK version has now been put in place. The details of the UK version also tell us how we'll be able to tell between corrected and faulty sets, when new copies with the correct start hitting stores:
We have discovered an anomaly in the English 7.1 DTS Master Audio track in our Star Trek: The Next Generation Season 1 Blu-ray Box set. There are some episodes that inadvertently had their front channel designations incorrectly mapped, resulting in an undesired playback experience when listening to them in a 7.1 or 5.1 Surround Sound environment. In addition, we have taken this opportunity to correct a few minor issues that were found on other episodes.;postID=4858414042249216509
We are quickly working to remedy the situation by recalling affected product and replacing it. Corrected versions can be identified by the appearance of a red Delta on the spine and will contain barcode no: 5051368241838 for ease of identification. If you purchased the box set prior to the recall, this will be replaced and will be made available free of charge. Please email for details regarding the replacement program. You may also call 01992 657 739 Monday-Friday between 9:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.
We strive to provide our fans the best Blu-ray experience possible and sincerely apologise for this inconvenience.

Los episodios siguen las aventuras de la tripulación del USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D), una nave clase Galaxia. Como nave insignia de la Federación Unida de Planetas, la Enterprise está diseñada para la exploración y la diplomacia, pero preparada para la batalla si fuera necesario. Su capitán es el conocido y carismático Jean-Luc Picard, mucho más intelectual y filosófico que el típico protagonista de una serie de ciencia ficción.
Al igual que en La Serie Original, la tripulación del Enterprise-D va conociendo nuevas y poderosas razas tecnológicamente avanzadas.
La trama de muchos episodios se desenvuelve en torno a viajes en el tiempo, asuntos personales de los protagonistas, desastres naturales en la Galaxia o en planetas y otros argumentos que no requieren necesariamente la aparición de extraterrestres.
La tripulación del Enterprise es más favorable a una negociación pacífica como medio para resolver los conflictos que sus predecesores de TOS.
La Directiva Primaria está presente más a menudo y se intenta seguir a pies juntillas; esta directiva establece que la Federación no debe interferir en el desarrollo de culturas cuyo nivel tecnológico no les permita el viaje interestelar. La necesidad de acatar la Directiva Primaria lleva en muchos casos a disputas entre los protagonistas, ante la necesidad de ayuda que puedan precisar razas que no superen la velocidad de la luz (Velocidad "Warp").
Otra gran diferencia entre "TOS" y "TNG" es la continuidad en las tramas a lo largo de los episodios; esto es: los hechos de un episodio determinan situaciones en episodios posteriores.
Uno de los personajes más recurridos es Q, que abre y cierra la serie, siendo en «Encuentro en Farpoint» el mayor antagonista de la raza humana y colaborando con Picard en «Todas las cosas buenas...» en un último esfuerzo de superación humana para salvar la raza.
Su picardía, su curiosidad y su particular sentido del humor, el valor y el honor hacen de él el antagonista perfecto de Picard y su tripulación, representando todo aquello que la raza humana no es.
Razas vistas en la serie original, vuelven a aparecer en TNG, como por ejemplo:
- Klingon: La Federación mantiene ahora una alianza con los Klingons, antiguos enemigos, pese a que persisten diferencias culturales y algunas rencillas.
- Romulanos: Una especie de guerra fría con los Romulanos continúa durante toda la serie.
- Los Ferengi, los Borg y los Cardasianos; pese a que los Ferengi y los Borg fueron vistos en la precuela Star Trek: Enterprise


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