Agrego tapas de lo que viene vía REDEMPTION/SALVATION FILMS.
The Demoniacs: Remastered Extended Edition [Blu-ray]
- Mastered in HD from the 35mm negative
- French with optional English subtitles
- Introduction by Jean Rollin
- Two deleted sex scenes (10 min.)
- Additional deleted footage (2 min.)
- Interview with Jean-Pierre Bouyxou
- Interview with Natalie Perrey
- 16-page booklet with an essay by Tim Lucas, editor of Video Watchdog
- Original theatrical trailer
- Original trailers of seven other Rollin films
Fuente: ... u-ray.html
Requiem for a Vampire: Remastered Edition [Blu-ray]
- Mastered in HD from the 35mm negative
- French with optional English subtitles
- English dubbed version
- Introduction by Jean Rollin
- “The Shiver of a Requiem,” a documentary featuring interviews with Natalie Perrey and Jean-Noël Delamarre
- Interview with Louise Dhour, courtesy of Encore Filmed Entertainment
- 16-page booklet with an essay by Tim Lucas, editor of Video Watchdog
- Original theatrical trailers
- Original trailers of seven other Rollin films
Fuente: ... u-ray.html
The Rape of The Vampire: Remastered Edition [Blu-ray]
- Mastered in HD from the uncensored 35mm negative
- French with optional English subtitles
- Introduction by Jean Rollin
- Two short films by Jean Rollin:
- Les Amours jaunes (The Yellow Loves, 1958, 9 min.) and Les Pays loin (The Far Country, 1965, 16 min.)
- Alternate version of one scene (2 min.)
- “Fragments of Pavements Under the Sand,” a documentary by Daniel
Gouyette, featuring interviews with Jean Rollin, Jean-Denis Bonan, and Jean-Pierre Bouyxou
- Interview with Jean Rollin
- Interview with Jean-Loup Philippe
- 16-page booklet with an essay by Tim Lucas, editor of Video Watchdog
- Original theatrical trailers
Fuente: ... vampi.html
FUENTES: ... specs.html
JEAN ROLLIN en HD - Parte 2
The Demoniacs: Remastered Extended Edition [Blu-ray]

Jean Rollin's accomplished and dark tale of ship-wreakers who not only cause a boat to crash onto the rocks, but then rape and murder its two female survivors, has been remastered from the original negatives and is released by Redemption on Blu-ray and DVD in May. Looking stunning and with two deleted sex scenes, including a rather naughty sequence involving the very beautiful Joëlle Coeur, this is a must buy for Rollin fans everywhere.
- Mastered in HD from the 35mm negative
- French with optional English subtitles
- Introduction by Jean Rollin
- Two deleted sex scenes (10 min.)
- Additional deleted footage (2 min.)
- Interview with Jean-Pierre Bouyxou
- Interview with Natalie Perrey
- 16-page booklet with an essay by Tim Lucas, editor of Video Watchdog
- Original theatrical trailer
- Original trailers of seven other Rollin films
Fuente: ... u-ray.html
Requiem for a Vampire: Remastered Edition [Blu-ray]

Requiem for a Vampire which, along with Lips of Blood, is one of Jean Rollin's personal favourites among his films has been remastered in High Definition and will be released on Blu-ray and DVD in May. Accompanied by a booklet especially written by Video Watchdogs Tim Lucas and featuring some great extras including a documentary and interviews with Natalie Perry, Louise Dhour and Jean-Noël Delamarre this is the definitive edition for Rollin fans, lovers of vampire cinema or for those wishing to discover the Rollin universe.
- Mastered in HD from the 35mm negative
- French with optional English subtitles
- English dubbed version
- Introduction by Jean Rollin
- “The Shiver of a Requiem,” a documentary featuring interviews with Natalie Perrey and Jean-Noël Delamarre
- Interview with Louise Dhour, courtesy of Encore Filmed Entertainment
- 16-page booklet with an essay by Tim Lucas, editor of Video Watchdog
- Original theatrical trailers
- Original trailers of seven other Rollin films
Fuente: ... u-ray.html
The Rape of The Vampire: Remastered Edition [Blu-ray]

The Rape of the Vampire, shot in 1967 and premiered at the height of the turmoil that gripped France in 1968, is Jean Rollin's first feature film and his first filmic interpretation of the vampire legend. Shot in black and white in two halves, Rape of the Vampire, so shocked its film audiences in Paris that Rollin was chased out of the cinema and pursued by a hostile mob of enraged cinephiles and thus established himself as a true outsider. From there on Rollin continued to pursue and create his filmic, vampire fantasies regardless of the baying mobs and critics that dogged his work. Now, finally, Rape of the Vampire is released by Redemption as it should be, in high definition and with the black and white tones perfectly reproduced. Also included with this great release are Jean Rollin's first two short films, Les Amours jaunes (The Yellow Loves, 1958, 9 minutes) and Les Pays loin (The Far Country, 1965, 16 minutes).
- Mastered in HD from the uncensored 35mm negative
- French with optional English subtitles
- Introduction by Jean Rollin
- Two short films by Jean Rollin:
- Les Amours jaunes (The Yellow Loves, 1958, 9 min.) and Les Pays loin (The Far Country, 1965, 16 min.)
- Alternate version of one scene (2 min.)
- “Fragments of Pavements Under the Sand,” a documentary by Daniel
Gouyette, featuring interviews with Jean Rollin, Jean-Denis Bonan, and Jean-Pierre Bouyxou
- Interview with Jean Rollin
- Interview with Jean-Loup Philippe
- 16-page booklet with an essay by Tim Lucas, editor of Video Watchdog
- Original theatrical trailers
Fuente: ... vampi.html
FUENTES: ... specs.html
JEAN ROLLIN en HD - Parte 2
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